
"I'm going to tell them about me"

There have been over 220 kids walk through our gate since we opened. Of those kids we have about 60 or so consistent kids coming. They know us and we know them. We can see a huge difference in these kids from the first day. For me the Center is a living breathing movement. Everyday is different. The needs of our kids and my staff are ever changing. Since we do not control which kids come each day our combinations our endless and each group has its own personality. A few weeks ago there became a comfort and ease to the center that was new and wonderful. Just when we were settling into a rhythm at the Dream Center, everything changed. Isn’t that the way things go. Just when you take a deep breath saying “ok, we got this” it flips upside down. 

So what changed. Well over 20 completely new kids showed up in the past 2 weeks. And kept coming. The afternoon has totally changed and is half new. These new kids are all boys. Last Thursday we had 34 kids in the afternoon and only 5 of them were girls. I’m learning, God does not care whether we call it a “Boys Center” He is going to send us the kids he was always going to send us. So in some ways were are starting over with that group. Building relationships, trust and safety. In other ways we are not starting over we are expanding. 

In 6 months I have watched kids transform like I have never seen. Last week one of our kids had a dream were Jesus called him by name and took him to Heaven. His dream was amazing. I was reminded of 2 years ago when God told me “You can tell them about me, but I’m going to tell them about me.” That is my promise. That God is going to encounter these kids in ways that are real, personal and life changing. There is a principle that you can’t take anyone beyond where you have been. Yet in this instance I think that is out of the window. I so believe that God is going to take these kids so much further than me. My celling is there floor. My role is simply to keep letting Him do it. 

Thank you so much for your prayers, love and support. We are standing on the edge of revival. We are hearing our kids and there parents singing our worship songs in the slum. They are even writing their own worship songs. God is changing the mountain we are on. He is so faithful, so good and so real. From my front row seat it is absolutely amazing to watch. 

1 comment:

  1. "I was reminded of 2 years ago when God told me “You can tell them about me, but I’m going to tell them about me.” That is my promise. That God is going to encounter these kids in ways that are real, personal and life changing. There is a principle that you can’t take anyone beyond where you have been. Yet in this instance I think that is out of the window. I so believe that God is going to take these kids so much further than me. My celling is there floor. My role is simply to keep letting Him do it."
    WOW! powerful stuff MG. So proud of the way you are leading with excellence and humility. What a testimony. God is raising up a generation. I am so excited to see how the children and youth at the Dream Center are going to lead the way.
