

In the last 2 months I have been so emersed in the glory of the Lord that I feel as if I am still trying to catch up mentally to where my spirit is. I am so honored that the Lord has been persistent in getting me here. I am so thankful that he has not given up on persuing me and drawing me deeper. IT IS SO NOT ABOUT ME. It is all about him and his kingdom coming. First of all I want to say that it is simple.

I have always known him as a God of  love, grace and holiness. In this season he has shown me that he is that and more, much more. He is love, grace, holiness and power. Heidi is alwasy saying that Love looks like something. Love looks like someone. Recently we have been talking about how love looks like service, love looks like trust and love looks like obedience. I have seen here that when we completely allow God to be God, I get out of the way and are able to watch God move in power and love. He is a God who heals. I have seen people healed and I have felt him heal me.

A few weeks ago I was in a jail with one other friend and a national here that regularly goes into the jail. The other two had been there the day before when 70ish peopel gave their lives to the Lord. The day I went we danced and worshiped in the small courtyard with them (locked in of course). After we all shared a word, the national we were with invited anyone who had any pain or illness to come up for prayer. He continued to talk while we began to pray for the men as we were lead. We had no way to know in the natural what was wrong but just asked the Lord to come. After we prayed for everyone if they felt better they were asked to stand up and tell everyone what felt better and then to sit back in their seat. One after the other stood up saying the the pain in their legs was gone, their headache, their back pain and their arms. They were laughing in suprise. Over a dozen recieved some kind of healing just by asking the Lord to come. The 6 or so that were still there then told us what the problem was. One man's legs were so stiff that he barely made it to the front. I watch as his legs straightened out during prayer and he got up with ease. Another had poor vision and after a simple short prayer he turned to me a said it was good, much better and jumped up. His whole manerism changed. We also invited those of another faith who wanted to accept Jesus and many came forward.

Now I have the previliage of watching others encounter what I have only recently encountered. The God of love, grace, holiness and power. My God who's desire is to restore his people. All of scripture shows God calling his people to restoration. I have far to long placed my God in a box just because I do not understand. But the truth that I have learned is that my God is far better than I have ever imagined. He can turn my world upside down in 2 seconds. The question I ask myself is what world do I want?

Expect the unexpected because I promise you He is FAR better than you have ever imagined.

I love you all!

1 comment:

  1. MG, it is such a blessing to read your blogs and see the way God's power is alive and moving!!! I'm praising the Lord right now and continue to lift you up in prayer as you serve. Love you!! Emily Brooks
